There are no glory requirements nor ask for any Clan Territory investment. Clan War participation is all that we ask for. During war cycle which lasts for 14 days, over 20 wars are expected. There are 4 wars per 24 hours so this works out to less than 2 wars per day. Members can be considered inactive and sometimes removed after 3 days when no notice is given although members can remain in the clan when they state of a period of inactivity. Any member who is removed for inactivity is welcome back anytime they can commit to clan wars.
All members should respect each other, it has never been a problem. There are no strict age restrictions, although we expect everyone to be mature and not be needy such as repetitive demands for rewards for example.

After each war cycle resets, the war reward chest is distributed to all members who qualified / reached their glory target. See the More Details page to learn how to select rewards and view your glory target etc. A reward can be selected each day, everyone has 24 hours to choose a reward. The administration issues all rewards that are requested. The order of rewards are based on glory points (blue stars). If you are not issues with a reward it is likely because you are further down the list and someone higher may choose the reward. In such cases you will be requested in chat to choose again, if none has chosen same reward during the 24 hours you will automatically be sent the item.
After day 1 rewards (24 hours pass) then round 2 rewards start where you can choose another item. Very few people choose rewards so more often than not rewards are issued by clan admins accordingly. The reward list is posted around 2pm (GMT) every day unless there are lack of requests.